Clarety Flow, LLC, is a holding company whose investments focus on innovation in pharmaceutical drug development and cloud-based business process improvement.
We support new business models that change risk-reward profiles. Whether this results in more, better drugs coming to global markets, financial services technologies with huge impact, or customer experiences that shape future brands -- Clarety Flow, LLC's mandate is to support change that matters, at lower risk.
Pharmaceutical companies worldwide have a heavy commitment to R&D, but must choose carefully which projects to fully pursue. This leaves a large number of potentially promising drugs undeveloped.
Our method of selecting drugs for Phase I/II trials has been tested and proven by private equity and venture capital teams globally -- but with our improvements in deal structure and de-risking, we may represent the next generation of virtual drug development in Clarety Flow special project vehicles.
Long considered a high-risk sector, the restaurant industry remains exciting -- if you know what you're doing. With innovation in supply, demand, and operations technology, Clarety Flow's activities focus on helping the industry become more relevant to consumers and profitable to owners and investors.
Financial Services Technology
With global connections that keep Clarety Flow well-informed about fintech innovation, the trick is not just to know what can be done, but what consumers will adopt. Just because mobile money in East Africa is wildly popular doesn't mean it will work as well in the United States.
But Clarety Flow believes that fintech nevertheless represents a giant opportunity when it transparently supports interactions and transactions that are meaningful and responsive within a cultural context.
Please contact us if you seek advisory on developing and rolling out private equity, venture capital, or crowdfunding funds.
2 Wisconsin Circle • Suite 700 • Chevy Chase MD USA • 20815